
What do the colors mean ?


This method of coloring is Relevant_Coloring and is inspired from a scene in Person of Interest and ADB Logs on a phone (Log types like E for Error, F for Fatal etc.)

Command Explanations

ScriBt explains any relevant command possible to the user in a easily understandable representation.

Each command is explained, parameter by parameter



This feature fulfils the aspect “Easy and Understandable” :smile:

Automation Notes

Users can add their own commands in the default sequence ( I do it )

For Automating ScriBt

  1. Create a config file of any name, in .rc format (eg. aosp_huashan.rc)

Enter this code in that file


ScriBt can detect it’s AutoConfig file by this line
Now, fill the Information with reference to this File


Everything you think would be used by ScriBt should be filled.

There’s an example Automation Config to make things simple


Want some more ? Head over to ScriBt-Examples repo for more example Automation Configs

  1. Enter this on Terminal to Start with Automation
bash ./ROM.sh automate

ScriBt would display the available automation config files, select the one you want to execute, It’d do it for you. It’s pretty much similar to a lunch menu on Android

Automation menu

Functions that can be automated

^ - The Device Tree must be Compatible with the ROM you’re building (Extra Toolchain Configs, Overlays etc. ROMNIS-fying is taken care of in Point 3b ) Else, Issues :) :P


This feature (available under ‘tools’) allows ScriBt to be executed under any directory by adding it’s working directory under PATH


What it does ?

  1. Creates a file ‘.scribt’ under ${HOME} directory
  2. Adds this code inside it: export PATH=/wherever/is/ScriBt:$PATH
  3. Adds code to execute ‘.scribt’ under .bashrc:
    # ScriBtofy
    . ~/.scribt;


You can do this procedure as many times as you want, just in case if you’ve Shifted ScriBt somewhere else.

Open a new terminal for the changes to take effect.

ScriBt can be executed normally (after ScriBtofication) bash ROM.sh

However, if you want to test another version of ScriBt (which is not in PATH) , then execute this command under that particular directory

bash ./ROM.sh

This command executes ScriBt which is present under the current directory instead of the one in PATH.


ScriBt is updated on the basis of the HEAD’s SHA ID
HEAD is the latest commit (SHA ID) of any Repository’s commit list
If the HEAD of Local Clone and HEAD of Remote Clone is different, then ScriBt notifies the user to update itself.

upScriBt does the Updating work.

ROM.sh force-downloads upScriBt.sh from ‘master’ branch. upScriBt.sh then checks updates on the basis of the above Procedure

Based on Git Tag/Releases System - for messages to appear on ScriBt as well as in Github

upScriBt works only for master branch. If Branch name is different, then it won’t update.

Automated Cherry-Picking

The title says everything. In Automated Mode, this function picks the commits which are mentioned in the Config. Information needed by this function are…

URL -> Link of the GitHub repo in which you want to pick a commit.

URL should be in the format https://github.com/[user_org]/[repo_name]/tree/[branch_name]
To get this format, open the repository, and choose the branch you want, It’d reload with the specified format, use it.

Example : https://github.com/ScriBt/ScriBt/tree/master

DIR -> Directory under which the commit has to be picked

CID -> The SHA ID of the commit. It should be either Forty or Seven Character String

In a config file, to cherrypick a commit, enter these lines

cherrypick "$DIR" "$URL" "$CID"

Patch Manager

Every ROM compilation aren’t bound to be Successful. Changes in the source occur time to time, and eventually are merged as commits to the respective Repository.

ScriBt removes the hassle of “What changes did I make for Previous Successful build?” by the Patch Manager Feature

Patch Manager

How does it work?

Patch is generated by the git diff command




Indications shown by Patch Manager

