
Making the Device Sources ready for the ROM to be built.

This is the Biggest Part of ScriBt. It adds the Device to ROM Vendor as well as make the Device tree usable for the ROM. Doing this makes the Device Sources completely ready for getting the ROM built.

This is the part where I feel ScriBt helps the user. Actions of Pre-Build are entirely based on Observations of Working of ROM Vendors, each and every ROM supported by ScriBt.

Making an Interactive Makefile under the Device Tree (Identifiable by ROMs BuildSystem)

# A ROMNIS build needs only the ROMNIS product makefiles.
ifneq ($(ROMNIS_BUILD),)
all_product_configs := $(shell ls device/*/$(ROMNIS_BUILD)/

Device Types

Device Type is asked when mentioning Device Details on Pre-Build. Choosing Device type builds Device-Specific Modules and things. Best Example of this is the Bootanimation Variants (…based on Resolution)